CAC Grading Standards

The Sheldon Scale is the 70-point grading scale used by most modern third-party grading services when evaluating coins. It was popularized by "Penny Whimsy," a book written by William H. Sheldon. In this publication, Sheldon outlined pricing guidance based on the condition of 1794 Large Cents, coming up with a 70-point grading scale. Since this was exclusively for 1794 Large Cents, it took years before other industry leaders translated the 70-point grading scale to different series. However, the name "Sheldon scale" always stuck.

Below is a summary of CAC's application of the Sheldon scale along with photos.

Strike Types
Mint State (MS)
Coins minted for commerce as an exchange for goods and services that show no signs of circulation. Graded on a scale from MS-60 to MS-70.
Special Mint State (SMS)
Special Mint Set strike designations are assigned to coins struck by specially prepared dies and issued within Mint sets that vary from the typical proof or mint state sets.
Proof (PR)
Proof Coins are specifically minted for collectors on specially prepared dies and planchets. They are typically struck multiple times at slower speed with higher striking pressures to enhance detail and depth and are handled with care after minting. Most will grade between PR-60 to PR-70, although some did enter circulation and can be given any PR grade from Poor to About Uncirculated.
Specimen (SP)
On rare occasions, CAC may use the Specimen (SP) designation. A specimen is a coin the Mint paid special attention to when preparing the dies, and they often appear to be proof. The Mint first kept records of proof coinage in 1858. Many coins minted before that time are clearly proofs, while others are clearly "special" but not considered proof. There is a bit of controversy surrounding the subject, and a specimen-designated coin may not always cross over between two grading services.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 70
There is no such thing as a "perfect" coin. Our MS70 or PR70 coin is a coin that is nearly flawless when viewed at x5 magnification. It is exceptionally well-struck with minimal mint-made flaws.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 69
Nearly fully struck coin with hardly perceptible mint-made imperfections. These imperfections (marks or hairlines) generally do not detract from the eye appeal of the coin.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 68
Very well struck coin with slight mint-made imperfections that may detract from the eye appeal of the coin.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 67
Very well struck and lustrous with minor imperfections visible to the naked eye.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 66
Well struck with good luster and some scattered imperfections outside of the focal areas.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 65
Well struck with minimal imperfections in the focal areas and fields.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 64
May exhibit some strike weakness permitted with scattered light imperfections generally outside of the focal areas.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 63
May exhibit a weaker to average strike with moderate scattered imperfections on the fields or within the focal areas.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 62
May exhibit a weaker to below average strike with numerous imperfections; no wear permitted. May display more severe strike weakness but fewer other detractors.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 61
May exhibit a weaker to below average strike but with heavier imperfections such as heavy bag marks. No wear permitted.
Grade Coin
MS/PF 60
May exhibit a weaker to below average strike but with more heavy marks, abrasions, or hairlines. No wear permitted.
Grade Coin
AU 58
Evidence of only minimal friction at the high points with or without broken luster.
Grade Coin
AU 55
Visible wear on the high points but full details remain. Luster remains but may be muted.
Grade Coin
AU 53
Wear affects much of the surface with some loss of luster from the high points. May have some abrasion.
Grade Coin
AU 50
High points exhibit wear with luster diminished but still evident.
Grade Coin
XF 45
All high points exhibit some wear; traces of luster may remain.
Grade Coin
XF 40
High point design detail lost. Wear is evident throughout surfaces. No luster or only remnants of luster remain.
Grade Coin
VF 35
Even wear over surface of coin. High points exhibit flatness along with faint flattening of secondary design elements.
Grade Coin
VF 30
Wear over entire surface of coin more apparent. Secondary device element wear becomes moderate.
Grade Coin
VF 25
Wear becomes moderate. Some edge loss of central design elements begins to show.
Grade Coin
VF 20
Central device elements become flat at high points. Major design elements remain clear.
Grade Coin
F 15
Central device elements begin to lose definition. Lettering must be evident.
Grade Coin
F 12
Most fine detail worn flat. Recessed areas lose definition.
Grade Coin
VG 10
Surfaces exhibit wear throughout design. Minimal fine detail remains. Edge lettering soft but full.
Grade Coin
VG 8
Wear becomes considerable. Devices are flat with minimal design detail remaining.
Grade Coin
G 6
Rims and peripheral devices are full but weak. Central devices flat with lack of definition.
Grade Coin
G 4
Rims are mostly full with even wear; may exhibit localized wear into a peripheral device.
Grade Coin
AG 3
Even wear into most of the peripheral devices on both sides with partial rim still evident.
Grade Coin
FR 2
Circulation wear eliminates most edge lettering & devices.
Grade Coin
PO 1
Type, Date & Mint still identifiable with even rim wear that fully eliminates peripheral lettering & devices.
A coin in which our team of world-class graders cannot guarantee its authenticity, the date or mintmark are illegible in part or in whole, metal has been intentionally moved or PVC has developed on the surface. Please see our full list of no-grades. Such coins will not be encapsulated.
About Designations
Designations are ratings added after the numeric grade to describe a particular attribute of a coin or series that is of importance and value to most collectors.
Plus (+)
In simple terms, a CAC Plus graded coin is an "A" coin for the assigned grade either because it is very close to the next higher grade or the eye appeal is so great for the assigned grade that a Plus designation is warranted.
Red (RD)
Coin must display full or near-full original mint red color.
Red Brown (RB)
When the original mint red faded into a brown patina, and the coin exhibits both.
Brown (BN)
Most or all original mint red has fully transitioned to a brown patina.
Cameo (CAM)
Full mint frost on both obverse and reverse throughout all devices with some shadowy areas of lighter frost allowed.
Deep Cameo (DCAM)
Full mint frost on both obverse and reverse throughout all devices with no areas of dark shadowing as the coin is pulled in and out of the light.
Proof-like (PL)
Clear reflection at all areas of the fields on both sides.
Deep Mirror Proof-like (DMPL)
Extremely sharp, clear, and deep mirror reflectivity of every area of the fields on both sides of the coin.
Full Steps (FS)
Any Monticello reverse Jefferson Nickel exhibiting six fully struck/separated steps will receive a Full Steps (FS) designation. The steps must remain uninterrupted due to being weakly struck or having disqualifying contact marks. Full Step designations may be assigned to any business strike (MS) or Special Mint Set (SMS) Jefferson Nickel. Proof examples are ineligible.
Full Bands (FB)
Any business strike Mercury Dime that exhibits fully split center bands on the reverse will receive a Full Band (FB) designation. Fully split bands are the product of a well-struck coin. The bands must remain uninterrupted from weakness or having disqualifying contact marks. FB designations are assigned to any business strike example. Proof and 2016 Centennial examples are ineligible.
Full Head (FH)
Any business strike Standing Liberty Quarter that exhibits a fully struck head will receive a Full Head (FH) designation. Full Heads are the product of a well-struck coin. Full heads must remain uninterrupted from any disqualifying contact marks and meet the criteria for the designation; the hair brow line must remain unbroken, each of the three sprigs in the headdress must be visible, and Liberties' ear hole must be visible. The 2016 Centennial Series Standing Liberty Quarter is ineligible for FH.
Full Bell Lines (FBL)
Any business strike Franklin Half Dollar that exhibits a fully split bottom set of bell lines will receive a Full Bell Lines (FBL) designation. Full bell lines are the product of a well-struck coin. Full bell lines must remain uninterrupted from weakness or any disqualifying contact marks. Mint-made imperfections, such as die cracks interfering with the bell lines, are not considered a detriment. FBL designations may be assigned to business strike examples. Proof examples are ineligible.
First Delivery
We offer the First Delivery designation for specific Modern coins that are received by us or a depository that has been approved by us within 30 days of the first shipment of a new coin issue. The CAC label will have a description of the coin that includes the words "First Delivery".
First Day of Delivery
In order to be eligible for the First Day of Delivery designation, a coin(s) must be acquired within one day of the first day that a mint makes a new coin issue available for purchase. The coin(s) must also be received by CAC Grading ("us") or a depository approved by us within one week of the release date.
Advanced Delivery
In order to be eligible for the Advanced Delivery designation, the coin(s) must be purchased by designated mint customers before the publicly announced first day that a mint makes a new coin issue available for sale. The coin(s) must also be received by CAC Grading ("us") or a depository approved by us within one week of the delivery date to be eligible for the designation.
About No Grades

What is a "No grade" or "Details graded" coin? A details graded coin is a coin that has been assigned a non-numerical grade (e.g., XF, AU, UNC) but with a qualifier that indicates that the coin has some form of damage, alteration, or other issue that prevented it from receiving a full grade. For example, a coin may be assigned a grade of "AU Details" (AU stands for "About Uncirculated") if it has some wear or other damage that prevents it from receiving a full AU grade but is still considered to be "collectable."

The specific qualifier used may vary, but some common ones include "Cleaned" or "Environmental Damage." These qualifiers are intended to provide additional information to potential buyers and collectors about the condition of the coin and to indicate that it may be less valuable or desirable than fully graded coin of the same grade.

It's important to note that the presence of a qualifier on graded coins does not necessarily mean that the coin is not valuable or desirable and that some collectors actively seek out and collect coins with details grades as part of their collections. However, it's important to be aware of the specific issue that led to the details grade and to factor that into your decision when purchasing or collecting coins.

While CAC encapsulates many details codes as outlined below, please keep in mind CAC Grading does not holder all details codes. Please pay careful attention to the lists below, and if you have additional questions on this policy, please feel free to contact CAC Grading Customer Care at

These coins exhibit signs of being bent or having once been bent. This term is reserved for coins with post-mint damage, as some coins are issued with a concave/convex, saddled, or irregular shape.
These coins exhibit signs of having been wiped or cleaned using harsh material abrasion—for instance, a wire brush, sandpaper, steel wool, or the abrasive side of a sponge.
These coins exhibit signs of surface manipulation through abrasion or "over-dipping". Cleaning is generally performed erroneously by someone attempting to improve a coin's appearance. "Dipping" a coin in a mild acid solution may successfully remove tarnish. However, it can obliterate flow line reflectivity if left in the solution for an extended period. Dipping a coin is not recommended for beginners.
These coins exhibit signs of environmental damage that is more severe than coins receiving the Environmental Damage classification.
These coins exhibit signs of pitting and corrosion, which have eaten into the metal's surface.
Excessive Hairlines
Excessive Hairlines
These coins exhibit a large number of hairlines deemed overly distracting to the coin's surface. Hairlines may occur by sliding coins across tabletops, cabinet wear, or dust getting inside a sliding window album. Proof coinage is more susceptible to hairlines though all coins can be affected by them.
Harshly Cleaned
Harshly Cleaned
This code is reserved for more offensively cleaned coins, usually with much heavier abrasion.
Planchet Flaw
Planchet Flaw
These coins exhibit signs of a planchet deficiency, impurity, or contamination. The severity can determine whether or not the coin goes through the encapsulation process. "Planchet Flaw" is reserved for less severe cases where we will encapsulate the coin.
These coins exhibit signs of environmental damage where Environmental Damage is too harsh a classification. The indicator is typically tiny holes in the surface of the coin.
Questionable Color
Questionable Color
These coins exhibit signs of unoriginal metal coloration. It is most commonly found on copper and gold coinage. Questionable Color differs from Questionable Toning in that Questionable Color refers to the color of the base metal.
Questionable Film
Questionable Film
These coins exhibit signs of a coating or film on the surface that may make it impossible to investigate the underlying surfaces reliably, whether intentionally applied or not.
Questionable Surfaces
Questionable Surfaces
These coins exhibit signs of abnormal surfaces that call into question their originality (i.e. cannot be authenticated to be original beyond a reasonable doubt). Coins that receive this grade may appear lacquered, oiled, puttied, waxed or greased to conceal the underlying problematic surfaces.
Questionable Toning
Questionable Toning
These coins exhibit signs of coloration that may not be original or natural. People may add, accelerate, or attempt to enhance toning as a shortcut to higher returns. We consider this practice unethical.
Rim Filed
Rim Filed
These coins exhibit signs of test cutting, bullion theft, or attempts to conceal pre-existing rim damage:
-Test cutting is when someone files off a sample of metal needed to test a coin's composition—a pawn shop, for instance.
-Theft of bullion is the act of removing precious metal from coins to accumulate a substantial amount of "free bullion" over time. Theft of bullion is more common on older coinage.
-Concealing pre-existing rim damage may occur if someone attempts to remove a rim ding/problem by filing off the entirety of the surrounding rims. Theft of bullion may apply here as well.
These coins exhibit a scratch that is more significant, profound, or noticeable than a hairline. Length, placement, and freshness/age of the scratch(s) are additional factors to consider.
Spot Removal
Spot Removal
These coins exhibit signs of an attempt to remove a spot that would otherwise handicap a coin's grade. Spot removals are commonly attempted with fine tools like a needle.
These coins exhibit signs of discoloration that appear to be irreversible or permanent. This discoloration may cover all or a part of the coin's surface and be caused intentionally or accidentally. Improperly rinsing dip residue may cause staining.
These coins exhibit signs of metal movement applied to a coin to conceal, minimize, or abolish a pre-existing issue, such as a scratch or heavy bag mark. We consider this practice unethical.
Wheel Marks
Wheel Marks
These coins exhibit highly-concentrated patches of hairlines that are the result of running through the rapidly spinning rubber wheel of a coin counter. This wheel revolves at speeds high enough to briefly superheat/melt contact points on the coin's surface, giving Wheel Marks their distinct look.
These coins exhibit a localized concentration of hairline scratches; this may be caused by simply wiping the surface of a coin with a cloth to remove debris.
Added Mintmark
Added Mintmark
These coins exhibit signs of manipulation through the addition of a mintmark, making the coin appear rarer than it is. Example: Placing a Denver mintmark on a 1927 St. Gauden's Double Eagle.
Altered Devices
Altered Devices
These coins exhibit signs of manipulation to the appearance of a coin's devices. For instance, moving metal or adding a "frosty" substance to a proof's devices in hopes of receiving a CAM or DCAM designation. We consider this practice unethical.
These coins exhibit signs of being a forgery.
Removed Mintmark
Removed Mintmark
These coins exhibit signs of manipulation through the removal of a mintmark. Example: Removing the mintmark from a heavily circulated 1895-S Morgan Dollar to make it appear as a low-grade proof (as Philadelphia did not issue coins for circulation in 1895).
Questionable Authenticity
Questionable Authenticity
These coins are those that we cannot, for any reason, determine the authenticity with certainty.
Bezel Removed
Bezel Removed
These coins exhibit signs of having been recovered from a bezel, such as from an "ex-key chain". Typically, the evidence is near the inside of the collar on both sides.
These coins exhibit signs of having once been jewelry.
These coins exhibit intentional scratching or carving into a coin's surface. Historically, some collectors have added their initials to coins, carved symbols, or other added patterns.
These coins exhibit a hole–not original–where air can travel freely from obverse to reverse. Coins and medals issued with a hole(s) remain eligible to receive a numeric grade.
These coins exhibit harsh abuse or damage, approaching the point of being authenticity unverifiable.
These coins once had a hole going partially or entirely through them that was later filled using non-original metal.
These coins exhibit signs of polishing, which relies on the metal being stripped from the surface to expose underlying metal. This is a method that attempts to improve a coin's surface.
These coins exhibit signs of having been held against a high-speed wire brush to strip the surface and simulate an uncirculated coin.
Glue Residue
Glue Residue
These coins exhibit signs of glue or adhesive substances attached to the surface, hiding the underlying surfaces and restricting our ability to evaluate them reliably.
These coins exhibit signs of "PVC," or Polyvinyl Chloride, on the surface. PVC is a substance used in plastics to manipulate the viscosity, flexibility, and softness and was used in many vinyl coin holders through the late 1980s. Over time, PVC reacts with coins (or metal) stored in these plastics, damaging the coin's surfaces and appearing green.
Planchet Lamination
Planchet Lamination
Planchet Lamination
These coins exhibit delamination, or flaking, in surface metal, indicative of a deficiency, impurity, or contamination in a planchet. Encapsulating these coins risks further delamination.
Ineligible for Certification
Ineligible for Certification
Coins submitted that CAC does not encapsulate will be returned, grading fees apply as "Ineligible For Certification."